Friday, 30 March 2012

Recipe: Low Carb Mini Frittatas

I've decided, this week, that I'm going to cut carbs from my diet because my new medication has changed my metabolism, and I've begun to put on a little weight.

I was a bit lost about what to have for breakfast so I've come up with this quick recipe that you can prepare in advance and keep in the fridge or freezer for other days. In this recipe I've used ham and red pepper, but you can use whatever meat/vegetable you like.

Recipe makes 18

8 medium sized eggs
1 red pepper diced
100g roughly diced ham
100ml semi skimmed milk
Salt and pepper to season
1. Preheat the oven to 200 °c (fan assisted). Lightly grease a Yorkshire pudding tray, making sure everything is covered otherwise they will stick! I use olive oil but vegetable or sunflower oils are fine.

2. Crack all of the eggs into a large bowl, add the milk then season to taste. Lightly beat the mixture. Once that's done add your choice of ingredients and mix into the egg until spread evenly.

3. Pour your mixture into each small pod on the tray, being careful not to spill too much over the sides.

4. Pop the tray into the oven for 15-20 minutes. Carefully remove the tray from the oven and you're done.

I'm going to freeze some of mine and take them out as and when I need them for breakfast.


Tay Tay :-)

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